Like everything else in life, your success and your actions are governed by your attitude, what you choose to focus on and how you choose to look at those things. Everything can be divided into three spheres…
Robert E. Lee and the Abuse of Principle
Surrounded by Temptation
An 11-year veteran of the police department, a 20-year military vet who served in Iraq, was charged with Official Misconduct and Theft. A lost career and facing prison over an alleged $250 theft. How does someone who has spent so many years in the service of country and community lose it all and how can you be sure that it will never be you?
A Spoke in the Wheel
High Marks on Police Ethics
Spinning on Arizona’s Law
Aliens on the Beat
Crossing the Border
World Class Strategic Deception
Listen to how this elaborate deception lays the groundwork for an historic confession.
Strategic Deception – Righteous Lying?
We are called to tell the truth. This is not easy for anyone, but it can be complicated for a police officer, perhaps even more so for a Christian police officer. How do we reconcile situations where we employ strategic deception, lies to conceal our identity or to prompt an admission from a suspect, with our obligation to remain truthful?