The Modern Knight

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Bigotry, Political Correctness, Intolerance and Lynch Mobs

DuckDynastyThe comments made by Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson in a recent GQ article, followed by a tweet by media executive Justine Sacco have thrust the issues of bigotry, intolerance, political correctness and virtual internet lynch mobs to the forefront of public discussion. Amidst all of the passionate opinion on these issue I have found two perspectives that I believe are important to walk away with.

For the speaker: When it is your message to deliver remember that there is nothing more explosive than words. To that point I recommend this, short blog post from Ann Voskamp, Dear Kids: What you need to know about Duck Dynast, Justine Sacco and Christmas.

For the hearer: As you react to the messages you hear, and as you evaluate the reactions of others, I think ethicist Jack Marshall offers sound wisdom in his blog post , The Unethical Destruction of Justine Sacco.

Saint Francis of Assisi said it first, “Grant that I may not so much seek… to be understood, as to understand” and Steven Covey made “Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood,” habit number five of his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  A principle that has never been more important to remember. 
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