The Modern Knight

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World Class Strategic Deception

FBI Agent George Piro was the lone interviewer and interrogator of Saddam Hussein. That interview process took months and is considered one of the highlights of the FBI’s 100 year history. There were no bright lights, no cold rooms, no waterboarding, but a long and elaborate strategic deception. I had the opportunity to hear Agent Piro speak about his experience and he credits his interviewing skill to his time as a street cop before joining the FBI. Piro’s 2008 interview on 60 Minutes gives a lot of insight into the process and the results. Listen to how this elaborate deception lays the groundwork for an historic confession.

Saddam’s Confessions Part 1 (12:36): In his first television interview, FBI Agent George Piro tells Scott Pelley how he won the confidence of Saddam Hussein and got the truth out of him in a seven-month interrogation.

Saddam’s Confessions Part 2 (10:33): Five months of preparation for the answer to the WMD question.

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  1. Fascinating video

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